Maldon U3A
Maldon U3A
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Past Outings & Events

If an entry is underlined, you can click on it to see the report and pictures. This is not a comprehensive list of all our outings and events. There are also other trips organised by activity groups.

Monday 29th JanuaryBig Balti curry night.
Tuesday 27th FebruaryBeetle Drive - Social Organising Group.
Friday 15th MarchVisit to the Bayfordbury Observatory, near Hertford - Astronomy Group.
Thursday 21st MarchTrip to the Aviation & Motor Museum at the old Brooklands racing circuit in Weybridge - Aviation Group
Monday 25th MarchBig Balti curry night.
Monday 22nd AprilVisit to the Herstmonceux Observatory, East Sussex. - Astronomy Group.
Tuesday 23rd AprilSt. George's Day Spud and Pud lunch followed by a light hearted after-lunch talk celebrating our Patron Saint - Social Organising Group.
Wednesday 24th AprilCombined Military Services Museum, Maldon - Local History Group.
Friday 26th AprilVisit to Bucklers Farmhouse, Coggeshall - Garden Group.
Sunday 26th MayVisit to Wings and Wheels, Stow Maries - Aviation Group.
Monday 27th MayBig Balti curry night.
Monday 24th JuneVisit to the National Maritime Museum, Greenwich - Astronomy Group.
Wednesday 24th JulyVisit to Norfolk and Suffolk Air Museum - Aviation Group.
Visit to Bressingham gardens - Garden group
Monday 29th JulyBig Balti curry night.
Monday 5th AugustTrip to Sutton Hoo, Woodbridge - Maritime Group.
Monday 2nd SeptemberTrip to Chatham Dockyard archives, to view the model ships of the National Maritime Museum - Maritime Group.
Monday 30th SeptemberBig Balti curry night.
Friday 11th OctoberOur Open Day at Maldon Town Hall.
Monday 25th NovemberBig Balti curry night.
Monday 30th JanuaryBig Balti curry night.
Wednesday 22nd FebruarySocial Evening.
Monday 27th MarchBig Balti curry night
Monday 3rd AprilTrip to Dover Castle - Maritime group
Thursday 27th AprilSea Shanty evening
Wednesday 14th JuneGainsborough's House in Sudbury - Art Appreciation
Friday 7th JulyVisit to De Havilland museum near Hatfield - Aviation group
Monday 31st JulyBig Balti curry night
Monday 25th SeptemberBig Balti curry night
Friday 27th OctoberVisit to the National Portrait Gallery - Art Appreciation group
Tuesday 14th NovemberCockney Evening
Monday 27th NovemberBig Balti curry night.
Tuesday 22nd FebruaryVisit to Ulting Wick - Garden group.
Saturday 9th MarchMagic evening with supper.
Monday 25th AprilVisit to Long Melford and Lavenham - Local History group.
Monday 4th JulyTrip to The National Maritime Museum, Greenwich - Maritime group
Friday 15th JulyAfternoon Barge Trip with a cream tea.
Monday 25th JulyBig Balti curry night.
Monday 1st AugustTrip on the River Medway with lunch - Maritime group.
Monday 26th SeptemberBig Balti curry night.
Wednesday 28th SeptemberAfternoon Beetle Drive.
5th NovemberGuy Fawkes Social (no fireworks): Meet, natter, and nosh!
7th FebruaryCall My Wine Bluff, Maldon Town Hall
10th FebruaryBalti Night
7th JanuaryVisit to Greenwich Maritime Museum - Maritime
28th FebruaryPosh Frocks Do at The Bull, Gt. Totham
16th MarchConcert - Waltham Singers with Salomon Orchestra at Saffron Hall, Saffron Walden
8th AprilBalti night
10th AprilStaying Healthy - WMCC
29th AprilVisit to London's Postal Museum - Local History
30th AprilEssex Police Choir Concert, United Reformed Church
21st MayVisit to Chelsea Flower Show
6th JuneEssex U3A Quiz
10th JuneBalti Night
13th JuneTheatre outing to "Waitress" at the Adelphi Theatre
1st JulyVisit to Bawdsey Radar Museum - Maritime
25th JulyAfternoon Buffet with Entertainment by "Kind of Blue"
5th AugustTrip to the Sussex Seaside - Maritime
27 - 29th AugustThird Age Trust AGM and Conference
9th - 13th SeptemberHoliday to North Wales - Maritime
11th OctoberBeetle Drive, Plantation Hall
14th OctoberBig Balti Night
29th NovemberFilm Show with Afternoon Tea
9th DecemberBalti Night
18th DecemberTen Pin Bowling Festive Lunch for Bowlers and guests
19th DecemberDinner, Show & overnight on mv Columbus (Heybridge U3A)
9th FebruaryA Magic Evening - Social
12th FebruaryBalti Night
13th FebruaryCirque du Soleil, Royal Albert Hall—Theatre
13th MarchVisit to Tate Britain Gallery - Art Appreciation
20th MarchVisit to Brooklands Museum - Aviation
22nd MarchAn Afternoon Film Show — Social
9th AprilBalti night
23rd AprilTrip to Newmarket - Local History
15th MayProposed visit to Trenchard Museum - Aviation
17th May“The Play That Goes Wrong” - Duchess Theatre
7th JuneU3A Essex Quiz Night
7th JuneEvening BBQ - Social
11th JuneBalti Night
12th JuneVisit to Dulwich Picture Gallery—Art Appreciation
5th July Visit to RHS Hampton Court Garden Show
13th JulyVisit to Henry Moore Studio, Much Hadham
6th AugustChatham Dockyards & Medway Queen - Maritime
13th AugustBalti night
3rd - 6th September4 day trip to North Norfolk - Maritime
24th SeptemberKentish Curios - Local History
12th OctoberBeetle Drive
24th OctoberCyber Crime Prevention - WMCC
4th NovemberWalk for Children in Need
22nd NovemberJoin Waltham Singers at Chelmsford Cathederal
24th NovemberClassical Spectacular at the Royal Albert Hall - Theatre
28th NovemberSocial Evening with Entertainment
6th DecemberLuncheon Club Christmas Lunch
10th DecemberBalti Night
19th DecemberBowlers and U3A members Christmas Lunch at Henri’s
10th JanuaryVisit National Gallery – Art Appreciation
22nd FebruaryA 60s Evening with "Rock and Roll Dave" - Social
5th MarchTrip to HMS Belfast and the IWM London - Aviation
8th March'Half a Sixpence' Theatre trip, Noel Coward Theatre
19th AprilGuided Walk by John Halligan in the City of London - Ldn Walks
20th AprilEaster Afternoon Tea at WMCC - Social
24th AprilVisit to Knebworth House - Local History
7th MayVisit to The Shuttleworth Collection - Aviation
16th May"An American in Paris" Dominion Theatre - Theatre visit
8th JuneU3A Essex’s Annual Quiz night
9th JuneVisit to Greek Orthodox Monastery — Architecture
26th JuneWalking tour of Colchester - Local History
27th JuneFun day with Croquet- Gill Stone
30th JuneFun day with Croquet- Gill Stone
1st JulyFun day with Croquet- Gill Stone
3rd JulyDay trip to Kingston upon Thames - Maritime
13th JulyBBQ at Langford Village Hall - Social
7th AugustTrip to Harwich to see replica of “Mayflower” - Maritime
15th AugustTheatre visit to "42nd Street".
4 - 7th SeptemberVisit to Portsmouth dockyard and other places - Maritime
20th SeptemberWalking in the Royal Parks with guide—London Walks & Talks
23rd SeptemberVisit to Duxford IWM — Aviation
25th SeptemberWalking tour of Canterbury - Local History
17th OctoberRotherhithe Village with guide - London Walks & Talks
17th OctoberBob and Graham's big Balti Night
19th OctoberPosh Frocks Do at The Bull, Totham
24th OctoberU3A Study Day at Plume School
15th November“A City with Three Hearts” with guide - London Walks & Talks
16th November“Classic Spectacular, Royal Albert Hall, - London Theatres
23rd NovemberNew Members Coffee Morning
19th DecemberBalti Night
Tuesday 5th JanuaryThomas Gainsborough's House (museum and gallery), Sudbury - Art Appreciation
Friday 8th JanuaryPalladian Design Exhibition "The Good, The Bad, and the Unexpected" at the RIBA, Portland Place - Architecture
Friday 12th FebruaryD’ukes Musical Entertainment - Maldon Town Hall - Social
Monday 22th FebruaryAll our Waterloos (London) - Local History
Thursday 3rd MarchGuys & Dolls - Savoy Theatre London - London Theatre Group
Tuesday 10th MayAmerican supper with entertainment - Social
17th - 21st May5 day Holiday. Chateaux & Vineyards of the Loire - Local History
2nd JuneTheatre visit to Gielgud Theatre
9th JuneEssex Inter-U3A Quiz Day
15th JuneGuided tour of Theatre Royal and Theatreland - London Walks
4th JulyVisit to Brightlingsea - Maritime
5th - 8th July4 day Holiday "Exploring Kent"
7th JulyVisit Eltham Palace - Architecture
13th JulyBBQ at Langford Village Hall - Social
14th JulyVisit to Leeds Castle—Plantagenet
1st AugustVisit to Bawdsey Radar Museum & Woodbridge Tide Mill
8th - 11th AugustNational U3A Summer School - History of the Americas
15th - 28th AugustNational U3A Summer School - Assorted
24th August“Showboat” Theatre Visit
8th SeptemberVisit to Lambeth & Lambeth Palace - London Walks
8th - 12th September5 day Holiday to Exeter - Maritime
9th SeptemberVisit to Greek Orthodox Monastery - Architecture
10th SeptemberVisit to Duxford - Aviation
26th SeptemberVisit to Faversham and Whitstable - Local History
7th OctoberBeetle Drive at Plantation Hall - Social
25th OctoberEssex Study Day - Plume School
1st DecemberAn Evening Concert at the URC - Social
6th DecemberTheatre visit to “Aladdin”
JanuaryMagic evening
MarchAfternoon social event with Barrie Jamieson.
27th to 29th AprilFlanders - Lest we Forget - Local History Group.
24th to 27th May4 Day trip to Liverpool -"The Three Queens" - Maritime.
Saturday 30th MayVisit to Bentley Priory Museum - Aviation.
Wednesday 3rd June"Gypsy" Savoy Theatre Evening Visit - Theatre.
Thursday 11th JuneVisit to the British Library and Temple Church - Plantagenet.
Wednesday 17th JuneWalk through Bloomsbury & BBC Broadcasting House - London Walks.
Friday 26th JuneBackstage Tour of the National Theatre - Ken Cocks.
Tuesday 7th JulyEssex U3A Assoc. Essex Quiz Night at URC, Chelmsford.
JulyBBQ at Langford Village Hall
7 - 10 July4 day trip to the Midlands - ”Places of Interest”.
Monday 27th JulyGuided walk in Saffron Walden & visit Audley End - Local History.
Wednesday 19th AugustWalk through Clerkenwell - London Walks.
Tuesday 25th AugustVisit to Munnings Gallery at Dedham - Art Appreciation.
25 - 27th AugustU3A National Conference & AGM, East Midlands Conference Centre.
Thursday 27th August"Miss Saigon", London - Theatre.
Friday 28th AugustClacton Air Show - Aviation.
Monday 7th SeptemberMidsomer Murders Country & Goring Gap Tour—Maritime.
Saturday 19th SeptemberVisit to Duxford Aerodrome—Aviation.
Monday 28th SeptemberMonuments & public art of London & Olympic Park - Local History.
Tuesday 6th OctoberVisit to Fry Gallery, Saffron Walden - Art Appreciation.
Thursday 12th October"Beautiful" Theatre Visit.
Thursday 22nd OctoberShoreditch and Hoxton area - London Walks.
NovemberCockney Evening
Thursday 2nd OctoberWatts Gallery, Guildford.
Wednesday 15th OctoberSearching Alleyways of the City of London - London Walks.
Friday 17th OctoberBeetle Drive - Social Committee.
Tuesday 28th OctoberStudy Day, Plume School, Maldon.
Monday 3rd NovemberVisit to Trinity House - Maritime.
Thursday 20 November"Call my Wine Bluff" - Social Committee.
Wednesday 26th November"White Christmas" - Theatre visit.
Friday 12th December"The Sixteen at Christmas" - Theatre visit.
JuneCockney Pride Evening
OctoberHalloween Evening
MarchNearly Free Social
AprilSt George's Day - Evening Social
JulyBBQ at Langford
AugustPicnic at Heybridge Basin
MarchShoo Shoo Baby
JulyBBQ at Langford
AugustPicnic at Heybridge Basin
FebruaryCabaret Evening
AprilHugh Rainey Jazz Band Evening
MaySpringstep Dairy - Mundon
SeptemberItalian Night
NovemberHalloween & Hogroast Night
FebruaryKew Gardens & National Archive Centre
FebruaryFrench Evening
July BBQ
SeptemberGerman Evening
November1940s Evening
JanuaryCeilidh Evening
FebruaryWellington Trail
JunePolesden Lacey
JuneCockney Pride Evening
AugustPicnic in the Park
AugustThe Globe Theatre
AugustGlen Miller at Kentwell Hall
SeptemberJazz Evening
DecemberHindu Temple
Tea Dance
AugustParty in the Park
AugustAnglesey Abbey
SeptemberVisit to Lille, France