The Maldon U3A active Committee organised a German Evening in Maldon Town Hall.
A live band was invited to play and Herr Ernst was chosen - what a choice. Good music, plenty of variety and humour.
The evening started with the Committee inviting the guests to their places for a typical German meal.
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Ein Prosit der Gemütlichkeit – glass in hand, we stood and toasted one another in typical German fashion. The tables were decked in black, red and yellow, and many people had made gallant efforts to dress the part. One member had even gone to the trouble to grow a small black moustache!!!
David Arnold inviting Guests to their seat
Photographs by John Bowen
The food was German, plentiful and, judging from how
little was left on the plates, enjoyed by all.
And there was a great ambience, thanks to
Herr Ernst and his band’s enthusiasm in
getting us all going.!
There was plenty of audience participation.
We “schunkel”ed from side to side, arms linked, as we sang.
And, dear Reader, you should have seen the chorus
line made up of some well-known and usually quite
dignified gentlemen members – the Television Toppers
they were not!
An impromptu conga round the hall
(with Jan leading here) and
most people – perhaps all of them – left
with a smile on their face.
A quartet of ladies took over the brass
instruments and produced some really interesting sounds.
As the evening progressed and our voices became
more lubricated, the “German” bit went out of the
window: we raised the roof with such homespun anthems
as I’m forever blowing bubbles, Rule Britannia and Land
of Hope and Glory!
Another successful evening? Oh yes!
Words from Jan Robertson.Thank you David & the Social Committee for providing Herr Ernst, feeding us & providing us with such an enjoyable German evening.
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(c) Maldon U3A 2006
Last revised: 7th October 2006.