Maldon U3A
Maldon U3A
Maldon U3A
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Who we are

Founded in 1982, u3a* is a UK-wide movement of locally-run interest groups that provide a wide range of opportunities to come together to learn for fun. We explore new ideas, skills and activities together. There are over 1,000 local u3as with over 400,000 members; you can join if you are in your 3rd age - after both childhood, then full-time work or raising a family have permanently ceased.

Maldon & District u3a started in 1998. We have flourished into an enthusistic branch with approximately 400 members.

The u3a movement is non-religious and non-political.:

*originally called the 'University of the Third Age', now simply 'u3a'

Activity Groups

You do not have to join any of the activity groups, but these groups are fundamental to the u3a way of shared learning and socialising. Activity groups are an excellent way to make new friends and to share experiences with like-minded people.

An activity group can be formed on any topic, but someone must be prepared to act as the group leader. Once sufficient members want to join a group, they decide where and when they want to meet. Most of our groups meet on a regular day and time each month. Some groups may choose to meet in the open air, such as a walking group or a bird watching group. Other groups with a small membership may choose to meet in a member's home, (often the group will meet in several members' houses in turn). Groups with larger memberships and special requirements will hire a room.

All activity groups are self-financing but if their turnover is at a level that they need to pay room hire fees etc. by cheque, they are advised to open a group account with the Treasurer to ensure that the payments are undertaken within the authority of the u3a.


Click here to see a slide-show of some of our memorable occasions over the years.
Click here to see a flip-book of
members' memories of the coronation.

The Committee

Ken Hazell
Alec Fraser
Membership Secretary
Activity Groups co-ordinator
Membership Secretary
Malcolm Case
Steven Clarke
Minutes Secretary
Minutes Secretary
Theresa Byles
Business Secretary
Newsletter Editor
Newsletter Editor
Kris Taylor
Carol Bates
Andy Simmonds

The Speaker Secretary role is shared between Theresa Byles, Carol Bates and Kris Taylor.

Non-committee roles

Webmaster: Tony Groves
Social Group Chairman: Michael Childs

Policy Documents

Privacy policy

Data Protection policy

Safeguarding policy and procedure

Disciplinary procedure

Grievance procedure

Complaints procedure


Guidelines for Co-ordinators