Halloween & Hogroast - November 2007

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The Halloween & Hogroast Evening was held on 2nd November 2007 at the Saville Suite, Maldon.

A specialist Hogroast van was parked outside and this gave the feeling the evening was being organised in a professional manner.

Hogroast van
Hogroast van outside the Saville Suite
Photos by John Bowen

Ready for food
Mr Smith with his beautifully cooked Hog ready to serve.

The Savillie Suit Bar ready to serve the thirsty revellers

The Halloween and Hogroast Evening was just after Halloween Night & many of the party did not have time to change - some even came on their Broom sticks and parked them ready to go home. One even offered "Free Rides".

Broom Sticks Broom Sticks
Free Rides

Band - Contrast
A 3 piece Band called "Contrast" provided the live music for the evening.
It was nice to have a "real" band instead of a CD player - Keep Live music Alive!

Early Witch


Dorothy Denmark

In spite of it being a couple of days late, a goodly selection of Witches, Warlocks, Ghosts, Demons and Beasties, not to mention things that go “bump in the night”, gathered together to celebrate Hallowe’en.

The costumes were superb witches’ hats a-plenty, capes, horns, skulls and crossbones; a very familiar-looking Dracula had blood dripping down his chin, and there were several people present who were completely unrecognisable. Inhibitions had been left at home and everybody was in the mood to party!

The music was provided by CONTRAST, who had no difficulty in getting everybody on their feet with country and western tunes and nostalgic music from the seventies, good for dancing and for sing-along. We had a hog roast – “scrumptious” is the word that leaps to mind – served with a selection of salads and followed by dessert.   I personally found a sheep’s eye in my fruit salad but did not complain in case everybody wanted one.   Suffice to say that no one went home hungry.

Dracula, thanked the Social Committee for their hard work: it had been another successful evening.

Dorothy Denmark

Early Witches

Barbara Arnold
Barbara circulating

Mind my Figer Nails!

Mind my Finger Nails

Philip Watts Philip Watts
Who is hiding under the Mask? - Why it's Philip Watts!

The Scream

July BBQ July BBQ
Who has a nose like that! - Why it's me!


                    Someone brought their own Pumkin
                    in case there was a power cut

Who the wicked Witch?
  Who's the Wicked Witch here?

Dinner is served - please come & get it.

July BBQ

Served with bread
Being served with lovely bread & butter

Served with Dinner


Served with Dinner Served with Dinner

The Chairma being served
            The Chairman being served





Who that Bunny Rabit - mind a Witch does not catch you!

Band again

                    After Dinner was served the Band struck up again
                    with real zeast playing many pop favourites.                                             This was the signal to get up and dance.

White haired Witch
  Who's the White Haired Witch?

White Haired Witch White Haired Witch

Dancing Dancing



Queue for Sweet

Sweet Sweet

Sweet being served

All gone! All gone!

David Arnold checking all the Sweet was eaten

Last Dance
The Last Dance concludes a splendid Evening.

The Chairman proposed a "Vote of Thanks" to the Social Committee for yet again, a superb evening.

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(c) Maldon U3A 2007
Last revised: 7th November 2007. Created this page.