The Maldon U3A Social Committee organised another Social Evening to commemorate St George's Day.
The emphasis was on dressing to record the event with Red being the order of the day.
Dorothy Denmark was the Host for the evening and welcomed everyone.The entertainer for the evening was introduced as Ray Spiller who pretended was Stanley Holloway. What a good job he made of it - he even talked fast like "our Stan".
Ray Spiller standing up infront of the large audience
Photographs by John Bowen.
Ray told a number of stories about Stan and recited a number on his classics including "Noaha and 3 Halfpence a Foot" and "Get me to the Church on Time".
Dorothy Denmark proposed a vote of thanks to Ray for entertaining us for two periods and telling us a bit more about Stan.She also thanked the Social Committee who had preparted such a nice "Ploughman's Meal" and Sweet of Apple Pie & Cream.
The evening was yet another great success - thank you.
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(c) Maldon U3A 2009
Last revised: 18th July 2009 - corrected Dorothy Denmark's name. 24th April 2009 to launch this page.