Social Picnic at Heybridge - August 2009

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The "picnic in the Park" is now an Annual Event in the calendar of Maldon U3A.
This year it was at Heybridge Basin as it was last year - however this year it started very warm at 23 degrees C and with a very full car park.   The forecast was "Showers in the afternoon" but the Picnic started in fine style with no hint of rain.

Heybridge Basin
Table 1 enjoying the hot sun - note the colour of the grass.
Photos by John Bowen

Mick had arranged for us to use the private land behind the black wooden shed - thanks for that as seats were provided.

Heybridge Basin

                          Table 2

Most people brought a Lunch style Picnic which was consumed with the odd bottle of vino.

Heybridge Basin
                        Table 3

Heybridge Basin
Table 4

Heybridge Basin

                                Table 5

Heybridge Basin
Table 6.

Heybridge Basin
                    Another view of Table 6

Heybridge Basin
The overall view of the 2009 Picnic in the lovely sun.

Heybridge Basin

                        Hello, what is this approaching from Maldon?

Heybridge Basin
Why it is this scarce item - RAIN!

Heybridge Basin
A quick run for the Willow Trees or the brave ones sat it out.

Heybridge Basin
That shower had passed so maybe it was time to make a run for the car?

Heybridge Basin

                Another Table making a dash for the car.
                Notice the black cloud overhead.

Thank you Dorothy Denmark & the Social Committee for suggesting an enjoyable Picnic whilst it lasted.

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(c) Maldon U3A 2008
Last revised: 21st August added photos to created this page.