Each year the Social Committee organise an outdoor BBQ. As last year, this was held at Langford Village Hall, near Maldon. This year it was on the 21st July 2006 which was towards the end of a heat wave when temperatures exceeded 30 degrees C. The Met Forcaste was for thunder storms but fortunately, we did not see any, but a mackrel sky appeared at the end. It rained the next day!
The following photographs were taken after the meal had been served.
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The BBQ Group at Langford
The Mackrel Sky which forcast the coming rain on
Saturday. Pity it was not more on Danbury Hill.
The hard job, cleaning up after a lovely BBQ.Thank you David & the Social Committee for feeding us & providing us with such an enjoyable evening.
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© Maldon U3A 2006
Last revised: 22 July 2006.