Maldon U3A

Outing to Glen Miller at Kentwell Hall - August

A night of pure nostalgia listening to such songs as In the Mood, or String of Pearls: looking at the fashions - small hats, high heels, and furry bits and bobs and of course the uniforms, the American ones still causing more of a flutter amongst the ladies than the British ones.

One of our members (an ex-military person himself), could not believe however that one soldier was wearing trainers!!!
Then there was the dancing which many of our group went along to join in or merely to watch - they jived the interval away.

The old vehicles both military, and civilian attracted many people. The owner of a jeep was talking to one of us about the fact that the height of his antenna prevented him from entering certain places - our member was able to tell him the technical remedy - bend it and tie it to the bumper!!

Yet another member caused much hilarity with his trolley which would'nt work properly - it had a mind of its own. Had he had too much wine to drink? No way he said, the trolley wheels were at fault!!!

The firework display at the end of the show was fairly short but stunningly beautiful. It was the first time that most of us had experienced being right underneath the umbrella of sizzling lights.

Beryl McDonell

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Last revised 14th September 2005