Past Social Events - Picnic in the Park, 2005
Despite the torrential rain, twelve fearless, but perhaps foolhardy would-be picnickers gathered on the grass, (but under the trees) on Downs Road in Maldon on Friday 18th August. Their objective was to attend and hopefully enjoy the 'Picnic in the Park' organised by the social committee. As it was soon obvious that our numbers were not going to be augmented much further a quick 'management' conference was held and as we were fortunate to have a number of members of the Maldon Little Ship Club amongst our bedraggled crew we adjourned to the warmth and dryness of their lounge.
Picnic in the Park & Little Ship Club, photo by Bill FancourtAfter shedding our gumboots, sou'westers and umbrellas at the door we settled down in the comfortable chairs and spent the next hour and a half polishing off our assorted sandwiches, cakes and drinks.
Despite the weather outside everyone seemed to enjoy the chance to relax and chat with other U3A members. When we were all suitably refreshed and dried out we recorded our thanks to David Arnold and the Social Committee for organising the event but it suggested that the next picnic be held on a dry summers day!
A toast was also raised to all the wimps who had stayed by their firesides!
Thanks to Bill Fancourt for the report.
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Last revised 12th February 2010