Maldon U3A

Past Outings - The Globe Theatre, August 2005

Globe Theatre - “A Winters' Tale“

A Winter's Tale in the heart of London on a perfect English Summer's day with even a Peregrine Falcon spiralling above St Pauls.

Here are the comments from some of our group.

- Once again a magical experience with an outstanding production which did not let us down.

- Gorgeous costumes, sprightly dancing and of course "the play's the thing"

-This is probably one of the best performances we have seen - superb presentation and acting. Without a doubt one of the best!

- A brilliant production of a most enjoyable play. I wonder why it is not performed more often.

- A most enjoyable experience.

- The Globe lived up to all my expectations (including minor backache)

- A sparkling performance from the players and first rate companions on the trip.

- What an excellent performance .Everyone in the cast was brilliant and were especially good at interacting with the audience.

- Thoroughly enjoyed the day - all was magical at the Globe.

- An unknown play to many I think but it had all the right ingredients, good characterisation, clever plot and a perfect mix of scheming, tragedy, comedy and a happy ending.

- The wicked tramp especially appealed to me, so clever in word and actions. The opening narrator led us expertly into the play.

- A thoroughly enjoyable play but we were glad we had read a synopsis of the plot prior to the performance.

- And so say all of us!!

- An excellent production of a play which however does not have the richness of his earlier ones.

- I wonder why this play is not performed more often.

- Shakespeare at its best, a traditional production, original script, excellent acting and beautifully staged.

- I was hard pressed to find fault with any of the actors' performances but to me the outstanding ones were the rogue Autolycus and indeed the scheming Pauline, who had such stage presence. Costumes and musicians added flavour and authenticity to yet another experience with the Bard.

Roll on next year!!

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Last revised 14th September 2005