Maldon U3A

Springstep Diary - Mundon Hall.

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Jan Robertson organised a visit to the goats at Springstep Diary - Mundon Hall, May 2007.

These pictures record the event.

Start sign
Photographs by John Bowen with kind permission of Mr Kirk

Mundon Hall
                          Mundon Hall



        Alpacas with young

Introduction by Mr Kirk
Introduction by Mr Kirk

New lambs New lambs
New lamb born today!

Billy Goats
Two Billys - all my own work!

Lambs Lambs

Recover area from birthing
      Recovery area from birthing


Milking parlor - used twice a day (which starts at 4am & finishes at 7pm!)

This is where the cheese is made.

A short distance from Mundon Hall is the now unused Chuch of St Mary.

St Mary's Church




Thank you Jan for arranging such an interesting afternoon. The weather was kind to us as well as it only started to rain as we left.

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© Maldon U3A 2007
Last revised: 15th May 2007.