Social Picnic at Heybridge - August 2008

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The "picnic in the Park" is now an Annual Event in the calendar of Maldon U3A.
This year it was at Heybridge Basin as it was last year - but it did rain then!   The forecast was cloudy but in the event the sun shone after 17 spots of rain had fallen.

Heybridge Basin
The Ship at Heybridge Basin, looking towards the Blackwater.
Photos by John Bowen

Mick had arranged for us to use the private land behind the black wooden shed - thanks for that as seats were provided.

Heybridge Basin

                          See the black shed?
                                The twin hulled boat was Dutch & called
                                Mis Poes which meant "A fast cat" in Dutch

Most people brought a Lunch style Picnic which was consumed with the odd bottle of vino.

Heybridge Basin
                        35 U3A persons enjoying Lunch

Heybridge Basin
Another angle

Heybridge Basin


Heybridge Basin
After Lunch and games the party split up with a number
watching the boats coming into the lock at high tide.

Heybridge Basin
                        Looking towards the Tiptree Cafe

Heybridge Basin
The first of 6 boats to enter the lock

Heybridge Basin

                        A Duck and her brood of 6 regularly
                        go into the lock to eat the weed.

Heybridge Basin
All in - let in the water from the canal

Heybridge Basin
                                Letting in the water

Heybridge Basin
Just at that moment the RAF Memorial Flight flew over.

Heybridge Basin

                Passed towards Southend on Sea

Heybridge Basin
The lock gates opened and the Duck & her brood were first out - done that before!

Heybridge Basin
                        Getting ready to leave the lock

Heybridge Basin
Some people went home but a few went for a walk along the sea wall.
This is warship 'Defender'.   She is a former Fast Attack Ship of
the Sulton of Omans Navy, decommissioned and donated back to Lowestoft
where she was built, then bought by a private owner for conversion into a
pleasure craft which is why she is in the Basin for her re-fit.
Click her to see more details provided by Shaun Morgan

Heybridge Basin

The Xzonolyte sailed by on its way to Maldon

Thank you Dorothy Denmark & the Social Committee for suggesting an enjoyable & interesting day out.

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(c) Maldon U3A 2008
Last revised: 18th July 2009 - corrected Dorothy Denmark's name.   24th September to amend the Warship Defender caption.
27th August, added photos to created this page.