The BBQ Group at LangfordEach year the Social Committee organise an outdoor BBQ. As last year, this was held at Langford Village Hall, near Maldon. This year it was on the 29th July 2005 which turned out to be a warm dry evening in a week of gentle rains.
The following persons were photographed as they sat enjoying a pre-BBQ drink. If they would like to E-Mail the WebMaster with who their names are & the photograph reference, this will be added to the Web Site for interest. Run your mouse into the picture and find out the picture code number.
From left to right:- Margaret Beckett, Anita
and Brian Wethrington and Peter Beckett
From left to right:- Doreen & Tony Mandara,
Robert & Gay Liddle, Ernie & Eve
From left to right:- Harry Allpress, Alfred Coudrey, Philip Watts,
Dorothy Denmark, Michael Blackwell & .......
From left to right:- Daphne, Richard, Frank Stokes,
Jo, Joyce Stokes, Ella Smith and then Brian.
The excellent Chefs serving the hot BBQ
Committee Ladies serving the BBQ
The Photographer, John Bowen & Pauline
Serving the lovely sweets
Cleaning up the BBQ GrillsThank you David & the Social Committee for feeding us & providing us with such an enjoyable evening.
Click here to go back to the TOP of this page.Last revised 12th February 2010