Maldon U3A
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2024 Monthly Meetings:

15th January 2024Essex Coastal Marshes in Winter
Liz Huxley
Liz is a keen bird watcher and wildlife photographer. She has worked for the Essex Wildlife Trust for 15 years at Abberton Reservoir. She also leads guided walks.
19th February 2024Easton Lodge
Gary Matthews
The talk covers the history of Easton Lodge, including the life of the Countess of Warwick , the WW2 airfield adjoining the gardens and the work of the Trust in restoring the gardens.
18th March 2024Essex women that rocked the World
Alan Pamphilon
True stories of ten local ladies who influenced national history.
15th April 2024Peter Butterworth and Janet Brown
Tyler Butterworth
The actor son of Peter Butterworth (Carry On films) and Janet Brown (best known for her Maggie Thatcher impersonation). A talk on the remarkable life of his parents.
20th May 2024Medical History on the doorstep
Richard Pusey
Retired surgeon & London guide.
17th June 2024The Women’s Land Army
Nicky Reynolds
The history of the WLA. Over 200,000 Land Girls worked in the WLA from June 1939 until November 1950.
15th July 2024Social event
with cream tea
19th August 2024CHASE Africa
Prof Stephen Brown
Prof. Brown, a Trustee, will talk to us about the work of this charity to support partner organisations in Africa that enable access to family planning, healthcare and rights, whilst protecting the environment and building resilience to climate change.
16th September 2024Staying Safe Online
Barry Linton with an Essex Police Cybercrime Police Officer
They will talk about the key risk areas and the latest scams being reported to the Essex Police, particularly those most affecting older people.
21st October 2024AGM, then Beatrix Potter - The London Art Critic?
Andrew Wiltshire
Andrew will tell us about another side to this author’s young life. Decoding her secret journal on the paintings she viewed and very strongly criticised.
18th November 2024Going, going, gone: A history of Auctions
Tim Turner
Tim returns to delight us with this history of the world of auctions.
16th December 2024Christmas event

Musical entertainment and refreshments.