Last revised 24th January 2015 to put the Nov & Dec Meetings in this Folder.
Photographs and Report of the 2014 January Meeting
Whilst the Co-ordinators were updating the meeting about the next activities the microphone stand collapsed but was caught by John who followed it to the floor.
To the amusement of the meeting he updated the activities of the Music Appreciation Group while still on the floor.
John Skuse updating the meeting about Music Appreciation group.After a short break William Tyler presented his talk about Scotland's Referendum on 18th September 2014. He produced a thought provoking discussion on many pionts of why Scotland may want to separate from England.
William Tyler in full flow!The Scottish argument being led by First Minister, Alex Salmon who with the SNP has pinned high hopes on the "Yes" Vote.
William felt that at this time the vote will be "No" but wished to come back in 100 years to see what really happened.He was thanked by the Chairman for providing such a thought provoking discussion and answering the many questions with such authority.
Photographs and Report of the March 2014 Meeting
Mr. Martyn Lockwood gave an interesting talk on the assasins of the early eighteenth century.
Mr Lockwood.
Photo by David BolwellIn those days arsenic was freely available at the local chemists and was even recommended to the ladies to improve their complexion.
Having no taste and only detectable (in those days) by a complex autopsy it was a favourite means of getting rid of ones adversaries. Essex had a notorious reputation for killers in that period.
Eventually the sale of arsenic to the general public was banned.![]()
The Guardian, March 22, 1851.
Photo by David BolwellReport and photos by David Bolwell.
Photograph and Report of the May 2014 Meeting
Nick R Thomas gave an interesting talk on his life as a Freelance Scriptwriter. He had travelled all the way from Bournemouth by train and his talk was well illustrated with stories over the past 35 years.
Nick Thomas
Photo by John Bowen
Photograph and Report of the June AGM Meeting - 2014
Chairman, Malcolm opened the 16th Maldon & District AGM and welcomed everybody and conducted the AGM.
Chairman Mr Malcolm Case.
Photo by John Bowen
AGM Top Table - Glenna Wilkins, Pat Riddell, Malcolm Case and Martin Cook.
Members at the AGM.
Marrie Webster serving the strawberries and cream.
November Meeting at Wickham Bishops
Songs 1925 to 1975’ (from Gershwin, Berlin, Porter to Manilow, Diamond with many others in between) by Terry Duffy of Maldon.
Terry said he was hooked on singing when Tommy Steel got his guitar! He bought one at the same time.
He worked for Marconi in 1961 and used to sing in a Works Band for beer money and were quite successful.
Terry Duffy singing with his Karokee MachineTerry brought along a very impressive Karokee Machine which played the different backing tracks to his chosen songs. He explained that there was a slight pause before the track played - this was because the machine was Digitally Sampling the music and changing the key to suit his voice - very clever.
Terry Duffy hiting a high noteAlthough he advertised he had chosen his songs from "From 1924 to 1975" his first nice song was from 1919.
Terry singing "Johnny be good to me - go go go" Terry singing a clip from the song....... Just a few seconds.....
The audience appreciated his good singing - but many could only remember the first two lines - age? When Terry comes back maybe he will have the words projected onto a screen so that we can all "remember" them.
December Meeting at Wickhham Bishops
The macTheatre presented "The Holly & the Ivy and ....the Mistletoe" musical afternoon.
Brochure of the macTheatreHusband and Wife team of Barrie Jaimeson and Nicola Esson accompany each other on a variety of instruments and the electric piano.
Barrie and Nicola introducing themselvesThey told the story of how Christmas progressed from a Pagan Festival to the Christmas we know so well - mainly due to the Victorians.
As they wove the story they illustrated the particular point with a song or two.
The large audience - note the beautiful decorations and food and drink supplied
Close-up of one of the tables.
Barrie and Nicola singing a songTo hear a clip from one of the song " click below....
The macTheatre singing - Where have all the young men gone...... Just a few seconds.....
To ensure the audience could follow the above song which starts "Where have all the Flowers gone.... - the accompanying sheet had the words - great idea - the singing was good.
A very well organised afternoon of drink, food and music - well done Maldon U3A.
Happy a Christmas and a Healthy New Year.
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