Maldon U3A - 2009 April Open Meeting

The Co-ordinators set up their table stands starting at 1pm with Members crowding in at 1.30pm.

April Open day meeting
    John Robson.
Membership Secretary, John Robson accepting a cheque for Membership which starts at the 1st May for the Maldon & District U3A.

April Open day meeting April Open day meeting
    Social Table.

April Open day meeting
    Photographic Table.

April Open day meeting April Open day meeting
    Discussion Table waiting for Members and when they appeared.

April Open day meeting
    Painting Table.

April Open day meeting
    German Table.

April Open day meeting
    Local History Table.

April Open day meeting April Open day meeting
    Maritime Table with a scale model of the Yacht Endevour behind.

April Open day meeting
    Aeronautic Table.

April Open day meeting
    Mav (centre) with her Sister & Frank Stokes.

April Open day meeting April Open day meeting
    Watch & Clock Table with a close-up of a beautiful movement.

April Open day meeting
    An excellent cup of tea/coffee was served during the afternoon.

April Open day meeting April Open day meeting
    The Members as seen looking from the stage.

April Open day meeting
    Gardening Table.

April Open day meeting
    Writing for Pleasure Table.

April Open day meeting
    Strollers Table.

April Open day meeting
    Music Appreciation.
A good turn out with a number of Members signing up for new activities - which is good and ensures the U3A lives up to its Aims.

Thanks to all those who put in the work to make the afternoon successful & to the Tea Ladies.

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Last revised 21st December 2009 to create this page.