Last revised 21st December 2009 to create this page.
The Co-ordinators set up their table stands starting at 1pm with Members crowding in at 1.30pm.
John Robson.Membership Secretary, John Robson accepting a cheque for Membership which starts at the 1st May for the Maldon & District U3A.
Social Table.
Photographic Table.
Discussion Table waiting for Members and when they appeared.
Painting Table.
German Table.
Local History Table.
Maritime Table with a scale model of the Yacht Endevour behind.
Aeronautic Table.
Mav (centre) with her Sister & Frank Stokes.
Watch & Clock Table with a close-up of a beautiful movement.
An excellent cup of tea/coffee was served during the afternoon.
The Members as seen looking from the stage.
Gardening Table.
Writing for Pleasure Table.
Strollers Table.
Music Appreciation.
A good turn out with a number of Members signing up for new activities - which is good and ensures the U3A lives up to its Aims.Thanks to all those who put in the work to make the afternoon successful & to the Tea Ladies.
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