Last revised 22 April 2008.
The Chairman welcomed everyone to the 10th Anniversary Meeting. He then said that we should sit back & look at the following presentation.Onto the screen came some lovely pictures of rainbows which led to a Tinman from the "Over the Rainbow" films - then "Tinth Anniversary" flashed up & the "penny dropped". Tin was the rare metal for 10 years.
We were then treated to a montage of pictures which followed the progress of the Maldon U3A during the past 10 years.
After a resounding applause the screen produced a slide which said "We are not finished - there is more".
We then sang along with a choir. A tremdous presentation - well done.
Anniversay Birthday Card which greeted everyone
Photographs by John Bowen
Birthday Cake
Photos by Paul Costa
The beautiful display of flowers
The Sound men - John Robson (left) & Malcolm Case
Photo Paul Costa
The audience looking at "The Tinth Anniversary video"
Photo Paul Costa
Singing along with the choir - words were on the screenThe PowerPoint presentation was produced by Members and friends of the Computer Group. The script was written by Clare Urry, Jo Robson and Tony Cuthbert, the theme was ‘dreamed up’ by the Group. John Robson was the technical co-ordinator & "projectionist".
The Chairman offering the Past Chairpersons a glass of Champagne - but the cork got stuck - David Arnold helping
Success & well done for forming and running the Maldon U3A Group
The Cutting the Cake
Photo Paul Costa
The 200 present persons
queueing for their Champagne
The Committee Members busy serving the Chamgagne
The Chairman making his closing speech
The Chairman leaving with one of the flower arrangement which were presented to each of the present and past Chairpersons
Thank you to the Computer Group for producing such a lovely Presentation and the Committee for organizing such an interesting afternoon.
More photos and a Report will be presented when given to the Webmaster.
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