2007 December Meeting Page
Last revised 22th January 2008.
December - Christmas Meeting
A full programme of meetings was held each month and enjoyed by a capacity audience. However the December Meeting was unusually in that the Plume School Music Group were invited to partake with Mince Pies and then entertain the Members. Following are photographs taken and displayed for the enjoyment of Internet Members over Christmas and the New Year, after which they will be transfered to "Past Meetings" page.
>December Meeting, queueing for lovely Mince Pies & Mulled Wine
Table of "Home made" Mince Pies
This & next two photos by Paul Costa
Meeting listening to the lovely music
Plume School entertaining the large audience
Flute Soloist
Flute Duet
Beryl presenting Plume School Music Department with a cheque from Maldon U3A for £200.
This & next photo by Paul Costa
Plume School thanking the Maldon U3A for the cheque.
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