Maldon U3A

2006 December Meeting Page

If Group Leaders would like to contact Jan & forward a Report of a Past Meeting, preferably with photographs, consideration will be given to publishing it on the this Page.

Monday, 18th December 2006 was clear & bright for the first Christmas Meeting in the Wickham Bishops Village Hall.

The Meeting was opened by David Arnold and was quickly followed by Mince Pies & Muld Wine. These were served by The Committee. The committee was able to fund this from the excess income from various entertainment's during the past year.

After a social break we were asked to be seated when the Stage Curtain opened to reveal the Plume School Choir from Maldon complete with an electronic grand piano.

Plume School Choir
Plume School Choir
Photographs by Paul Costa

They started seasonally with three carols - Oh come all ye faithful, Away in a manger and Once in Royal David's city - and the audience were invited to join in.

Plume School Choir
Plume School Choir

Plume School Choir Plume School Choir
Plume School Choir

A solo pianist played Chopin on a Yamaha keyboard and this was followed by a young lady singing a modem interpretation of Somewhere over the rainbow and a Vivaldi violin solo. More singing - Hark the herald angels sing, Winter Wonderland and We wish you a merry Christmas - and then two delightful young ladies with lovely voices sang the Angels' Carol by John Rutter.

Another pianist played Khatachurian and finally the whole ensemble performed the Java Jive - tremendous fun!

When David thanked the choir he presented them with a cheque for £200 as a donation for their funds.

Tony Mandara closed the proceedings by thanking the Social Committee for their hard work today and during the year and - more specifically, and to heartfelt applause - he thanked the ladies who had made the mince pies! It had been a delightful afternoon and we were all now well in the mood for Christmas.


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Last revised 26th January 2007.