Maldon U3A

January 2005 Meeting Page

If Group Leaders would like to contact Jan & forward a Report of a Past Meeting, possible with photographs, consideration will be given to publishing it on the this Page.

     Date        Meeting Details
Monday 17th January 2005 Alan Bryett talked about "The Only Permanent thing in life is Change".

He has previously been to talk to us about his experiences in a German Prisoner of War Camp. Since then has made 3 TV appearances in connection with The Great Escape (movie).

He said that after his TV appearances he has been receiving up to 30 letters a day from ex-prisoners, Barclays Bank employees (where he used to work in charge of credit card fraud) and bomber crews that he once flew with.

He captivated his audience with a large range of changes which we are all subjected to. These include improvements in communications but wondered at the trivial range of subjects being discussed on mobile phones.

Transport has improved in many ways although 2 people in the audience from Tiptree considered that they were worse off as the railway no longer goes there, although 12,000 people live there.

The age we live has increased considerably, now the lady lives to 85 & the gent 80 years. Years ago it was considered lucky to live to 55/50.

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Last revised 18th January, 2006.