Maldon U3A

December 2004 Meeting Page

If Group Leaders would like to contact Jan & forward a Report of a Past Meeting, possible with photographs, consideration will be given to publishing it on the this Page.

Monday, 20th December 2004 found a room full of U3A Members using every seat available.
The Meeting started with Group Co-ordinators giving their notices.

U3A Tutors
Group co-ordinators queuing to read their notices.        
Photos by John Bowen.               

Following the anouncements, Mulled Wine & Mince Pies were served.

Marco the Magician then captivated the audience with a number of "tricks" including trying to cut off Eunice's hand in a patent guillotine he had built.

Musical Duo DOUBLET, Roy Sachs and Kate Knight in period costume.

David Arnold told the audience that someone said that "I could do better than that" having just visited the Tate Modern in London - our Chairman therefore challenged everyone to do just that!

Create something "Modern" & bring it along to this Monday Meeting - 25 persons did just that.

The challenge was "Do something you have been itching to do for years - you do not have to sign it. After all, if Tracy Emin could get £52,000 for displaying her dirty underwear - we are sure Maldon U3A can improve on that".

The Artists who had produced these "works of art" were then invited to show them to the audience to a round of applause.

The Artists with their entries.
The Artists with their entries.

Party in the Park.
Chairman, Tony with his entry.               

Party in the Park.
Social Organiser, David.

Pauline Bowen with The Kiss.
              Pauline Bowen with The Kiss.

The Flexible Face of Man.

The Painter.                             

The Seat.
The Rattletrap.

The Milk.
            The end of UK Milk.

Romance is dead.
Romance is dead.

Past Christmas.
                         Christmas Past.

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Last revised 18th December, 2006.