Maritime - Titanic Dinner 2007
An Evening to Remember!
As a lowly steerage class passenger oi' was very pleased to be able to sneak in and join the 62 'toffs' who were masquerading as members of the crew and first and second class passengers at the dinner to commemorate the Maiden voyage of the RMS Titanic in April 1912.
Welcome partyThe evening had been arranged by the Maritime History group and was held in the clubhouse of the Blackwater Sailing Club on Friday 13th.
Tables laid out for the DinnerIt was a lovely clear evening and members, many resplendent in costumes of the period, had a marvellous view over the River Blackwater while they sipped a welcoming glass, or two or three or more, of champagne. During this time they had the opportunity to discuss their reasons for being on the voyage with their fellow passengers. They were summoned into dinner in the White Star Restaurant at eight bells by the whistle of the boson's mate, Frank Stokes.
Dinner being servedThe diners enjoyed a superb four-course meal whose dishes had been chosen with a nautical theme.
The meal was followed by the loyal toast. The after dinner speaker was Tony Cuthbert who, resplendent in newly grown side-whiskers, and of course a dinner suit, regaled the audience with a well researched history of the story behind the White Star Line, the building of the Titanic itself and something about the lavishness of her furnishings and décor.
The meal was rounded off with a glass of port, cheese and biscuits and coffee.
After the acting 'Captain' of the vessel Malcolm Case had thanked his crew members and Bridget & Rupert and their catering team, for their assistance in making the evening such a success David Arnold proposed a vote of thanks to Malcolm himself. This was enthusiastically supported by the rest of the 'passengers'.
Liberty boats started to arrive at 11 PM and the merry revellers made their way to their land based 'cabins'.
Bill (Seamus) O'Fancourt
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© Maldon U3A 2007
Last revised: 25th May 2007.