Maldon U3A

Maritime 2008 - Sail Taster in May

The Maritime Group has organised three Sailing Taster days.

The first of these took place on the 14th May when 5 intrepid members, under the command of skipper Richard Mark set sail in Brigantes, a Sigma 33, from Bradwell to Brightlingsea.

Photographs by John Robson

The sun shone and we had a good sailing wind.   Brightlingsea was explored under engine and then we picked up a buoy in Pyfleet Creek and had a relaxing lunch.

On the passage back we had the wind behind us which gave us an exhilarating sail back to the berth in Bradwell.   A thoroughly good day was had by all.

Sailing in a good wind

Two more Sailing Tasters are scheduled for June.

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© Maldon U3A 2008
Last revised: 21st May 2008. Created this page.