Tower Bridge & HMS Belfast
Last revised 12th October, 2005Visit took place on 3rd October, 2005
The last “outing” for this year was a visit to Tower Bridge and HMS Belfast.
On our arrival at Tower Bridge we “climbed” to the top – via the lift, and saw a short presentation on the building of the bridge. Then we were escorted across the top by our guide who gave us a short talk and answered numerous questions. We then wandered around ourselves and then took the lift back down and looked at the exhibition and engine rooms.The visit to Tower Bridge was fascinating and is highly recommended. Opened on 30th June 1894 at a cost of £1,184,000 it really is a tremendous structure. One has to feel a sense of relief that the architect, Sir Horace Jones died during the construction of the bridge and his original design of a red brick exterior was changed to what we see today.
We then took the short walk to HMS Belfast and started with a visit to the café on board for a bite of lunch and a much needed cuppa before our tour.
We started with a slide show with commentary and then wandered around at our own pace.HMS Belfast was built in Belfast and launched on 17th March 1938 by Mrs Neville Chamberlain. She saw active service during WWII and also in the Korean War. There were a lot of very interesting displays. Life on board was certainly not easy.
Pictures of the Outing.
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