Colchester - 2008

This was on the 14th of July 2008.

Colchester Castle

Did you know that you could see in Colchester evidence of a Roman Theatre which held 3,500 people?

Did you know that Colchester has the only surviving Roman arch in this country which is still in daily use?   (Approaching the Mercury Theatre)

These were just two of the fascinating facts the group learnt on their walk around Colchester with our Blue Badge Guide.

The walk took about an hour and a half starting from the Castle gates and it was totally engrossing.   Our guide took us through the history from the time of the Roman Emperor Claudius, up to the present day stopping off to look at a wide variety of buildings from every age.

Highly recommended - though I will say that many of us who took the bus, were very glad of a nice sit down on the way home.

Sheila Epps

Thank you for a delightful tour of Colchester.

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(c) Maldon U3A 2008
Last revised: 17th July 2008 to created this page.