The next meeting of the group will be on Wednesday 24th April for a visit to Castle Point Astronomy
Club, St Michaels & All Angels Church, St Michaels Road, Hadleigh, Benfleet SS7 2UN,
for an “Astro Activity Night” with observing if the sky is clear.
Please meet at the West Maldon Community Centre by 6:30 pm, before driving to Hadleigh
by car; the Astro Activity Night is scheduled to start at 7:30 pm .
Following this, the groups next and subsequent meetings will all be held at Plantation Hall,
Colchester Road, Heybridge CM9 4AL all meetings starting at 7:30 pm.
For further details please contact the group Co-ordinators.
On the 24th March, 2011, seven members of the group travelled to Selsey to meet the late Sir Patrick Moore. The journey
down was uneventful with fine weather.
On arrival at Selsey we adjourned to “The Seal” public
house for a very nice lunch. At 2:00 pm we were at Sir Patrick Moore’s house “The Farthings”, a lovely
old thatched cottage.
We were greeted by Dawn, one of Sir Patrick's carers who took us through
the “Cat Airlock” to the “Study” where Sir Patrick was. This room was full of books on Astronomy,
many of which had been written by Sir Patrick. There were, on display, the many certificates,
diplomas and awards that he has been given over the years.
Although Sir Patrick, or Patrick as he prefers to be called, is now unable to do things for himself,
and has round the clock carers to look after him, we all found that his brain was as sharp
as ever. His answers to our questions were excellent and he also spoke about some parts
of his life; he told us that he had met and played a musical duet with Albert Einstein,
he had met Orville Wright.
He also told us that he had met Yuri Gagarin, the first man to go into space, and Neil Armstrong,
the first man to set foot on the moon; we could have listened to him for many hours.
We were given a guided tour of his three astronomical telescopes, by Trudy who is one of
his carers but is also an amateur astronomer, these telescopes are in the
garden and are housed in “Observatories” and are still used by his friends all
of whom are amateur astronomers, and we were privileged to be invited back
to use the telescopes later this year.
All to soon it was time to take our leave and return to Maldon after a very interesting day.
Malcolm Case.
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Last revised 6th April 2013
The schedule of meetings is:
Monday 24th June
Monday 22nd July
Monday 23rd September
Monday 28th October
Monday 25th November
Monday 23rd December
Malcolm Case & John Robson.
The Farthings, Sussex
Astronomy Group Members with the late Sir Patrick Moore.
One of the late Sir Patrick's Telescopes.